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作者: 汇商琅琊榜 | 2019-02-19



1. you are not a superman.



2. if it^s stupid but works,it isn^t stupid.


3.don^t look conspicuous - it draws fire. (this is why aircraft carriers are called “bomb magnets”.)


4. never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.别和比你勇敢的战友躲在同一个散兵坑里。

5. never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.  别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商得标制造的。

6. if your attack is going really well,it^s an ambush.  如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。

7. all five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.  所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。

8. try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.  尽量显得是一个无关紧要的人,因为敌人可能弹药不够了。(他会先打最重要的人)

9. if you are forward of your position,the artillary will fall short.  每当你要攻击前进时,炮兵往往也快要用完了炮弹。

10. the enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.  那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队恰恰就是敌人的攻击主力。

11. the important things are always simple.  重要的事总是简单的。

12. the simple things are always hard.  简单的事总是难作到。

13. the easy way is always mined.  好走的路总是已被敌军布上了地雷。

14. if you are short of everything except enemy. you are in combat.  如果你除了敌人不缺,其它什么都缺,那你往往就要面临作战了。

15. incoming fire has the right of way.  飞来的子弹有优先通行权。(挡它的道你就要倒大楣!)

16. if the enemy is in range, so are you!!!  如果敌人正在你的射程内,别忘了你也在他的射程内。

17. no combat ready unit has ever passed inspections.  从没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。

18. things that must be together to work usually can^t be shipped together.  必须要装配在一起才能发挥效力的武器装备通常不会一起运来。

19. radio^s will fail as soon as you need fire support desperately.  无线电通讯会有可能在你急需火力支援时失灵。

20. anything you do can get you shot - including doing nothing.  你作的任何事都可能挨枪子儿 -- 包括你什么都不做。

21. tracers work both ways.  曳光弹可以帮你找到敌踪;但也会让敌人找到你。

22. the only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.  唯一比敌人火力还精确的是友军打过来的炮火。(误射)

23. make it tough for the enemy to get in and you can^t get out.  当你防守严密到敌人攻不进来时,那往往你自己也打出不去。

24. if you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will have more than your fair share of objectives to take.  如果你多报战功,那下次你会被给予超过你能力的目标让你去打。(自讨苦吃)

25. when both sides are convinced that they are about to lose, they are both right.  当两军都觉得自己快输时,那他们可能都是对的。

26. professional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs.  专业士兵的行为是你能预测的,可惜战场上业余的士兵占多数,因此敌人的行为大部分是你所无法预测的。

27. if you are captured by bad guys, don^t be a hero.  如果你被俘,别充英雄 (争取活着回来)。 


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